
发布时间:2021-11-19 18:04:45 | 来源: | 作者: | 责任编辑:

1. Tibetan Buddhism Meets Protestant Christianity:A Memorandum of Conversations of Mā yang Panta with Cecil H.Polhill near Xining,Qinghai,onJanuary 14-16,1890/Leonard W.J. van der kuijp.西域历史语言研究集刊,第8辑

2. Local and Trans-local Beings:the Cult of Quandi in Tibet/Zhang Fan.西域历史语言研究集刊,第8辑

3.Impact of permafrost degradation on embankment deformation of Qinghai-Tibet Highway inpermafrost regions/PENG Hui;MA Wei;MU Yan-hu;《中南大学学报》2015年第3期

4. Za hor and its Contribution to Tibetan Medicine,Part Two:Sources of the Tibetan Medical Tradition/Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp.《藏学学刊》第12辑

5.Mongolian Adaptations of Utopian Alternatives in the Legends of Śambhala and Their Eschatological Narratives/Vesna A.Wallace.《藏学学刊》第12辑

6. The Life of the Buddha at Rtag brtan Phun tshogs gling Monastery in Text,Image,and Institution:A Preliminary Overview/Andrew Quintman and Kurtis R.Schaeffer.Journal of Tibetology《藏学学刊》第13辑

7. Making Areas and Patterning Diversity on the Tibetan Plateau:Meshworks,Hierarchies,and Catalysts/Gerald Roche.《藏学学刊》第13辑

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